Things that seem unchangeable always have changeable factors.

It's truly not as hopeless, or as complicated, as your brain is making it out to be.

It's as simple as figuring out the root of the problem, deciding on solutions, and creating plans to follow-through.

Then, all you have to do is take action, evaluate your results, and make adjustments until you get the change you want to see.

That’s it. Really.


Making a big change isn't for the “select few” who just “buck up and do it.” People who create change just learned a process for doing so. There are thousands of processes out there - thousands to spend your time researching, checking into, and attempting to implement on your own.

But this one is the most effective.

Learning how to create change is like learning any new skill. Trying to learn all the self-development or self-help information out there is like learning how to drive a car by getting in and immediately getting on the interstate. There are SO many things to watch out for. There are foundational bits of knowledge that would make it easier, and much, much less stressful. It requires advanced knowledge that you just don't have yet. So when you're suddenly in 5 lanes of traffic going 75 miles an hour, no wonder you feel overwhelmed and look for the next off-ramp.

This is why hiring a coach is important.

Because hiring a coach is like hiring a driving instructor to teach you about the car, first; to teach you the procedures and road signs that help you drive safely and effectively. Hiring a coach guarantees you'll drive more easily and competently wherever you go from now on.


I’ll teach you an

effective process for

change when you

hire me as your coach.


And I'll teach you what doesn't help you change things, too.

So you don't get distracted and derailed.
Or stay any longer where you don't want to be.

Maybe the situation has been the way it has for so long that you're not sure what “different” would look like.

Maybe you've tried to create changes here before, only to have things barely budge and now you're not sure what else to try.

Maybe you've reached the point where you've given up on something being different, and just want help accepting things the way they are. Because the only factors that could change things aren’t up to you.

Either way, you've hit a wall.

I get it. I've been there, too.

Only now, I know exactly how to get out of there, and I'll teach you how to do the same.

You’ll learn how to:

  1. Get to the [real] root of the problem(s)

  2. Make decisions about the solutions

  3. Create action plans & follow-through


  • More control over yourself and your life

  • More confident

  • More capable of figuring things ou

  • More deliberate about decisions you make

  • More content

  • More calm

  • More enjoyment with who you are, and the life you’re living


  • A different routine.

  • A different outlook.

  • More self-trust.

  • More time.

  • Less conflict, overwhelm, and confusion.

  • More mental and emotional capacity.

  • More of the things, and moments, and relationships you value.


  • You’ll navigate relationships more easily, and create better connections.

  • You’ll enjoy what you do, and will do less of what you don’t enjoy.

  • You’ll create time on your schedule to unwind, de-stress, and get things done.

  • You’ll find a rhythm for everything on your plate, and won't feel overwhelmed by it anymore.

  • You'll know how to plan your results, work towards them, and not get sidetracked by obstacles or difficulty.

  • You’ll know how to be a better human to yourself on days that don’t go the way you want them to.


Your Investment: $6000*

*A payment plan is available.

Every coaching agreement includes:


Six Months

Coaching with me involves a 6-month partnership. Why? Because after working with a lot of clients on a lot of different timelines, six-months has proven to be the sweet spot for seeing progress and change while allowing time to problem-solve obstacles and integrate new practices that set you up for long-term results. If the changes don’t stick, what good are they?

  • All coaching packages will include an additional 4 weeks to be used for sessions that clients would like to reschedule due to illness, travel, or emergencies.

Weekly Sessions

During our six months, you’ll have a standing 50-minute phone session reserved for you on a set day/time each week.

  • Please note that I currently have availability for client sessions on Mondays from 11am-2pm EST, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8-11am EST, and Wednesdays from 12-2pm EST. If availability during these days & hours do not work with your schedule, I can refer you to other trusted coaching colleagues.

Email Support

And while we work together, you’ll also have email support available to you Monday-Friday that you can utilize as needed.

  • You can email me any notes, updates, questions, or requests for coaching, and I’ll send you a response within 2 business days.

Here’s How You Get Started

Schedule a Consultation

Consults help us get to know each other, give you lots of insight,
and equip you to make a decision.

Click the link below to submit your info and book a time on my schedule.
I’ll call you at the number you provided at our scheduled call time.


I’m so looking forward to connecting with you.