Hey ya’ll, I’m Kimberly.

I’m a results-oriented general life coach, working with clients in a professional capacity for the last 7 years. Thanks to my former career as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, I have an in-depth understanding of individuals and relationship dynamics, and a well-developed ability to see through nuanced layers in people and situations. The core of my coaching work involves helping people create change, do things differently, and have more control over their lives.

I’m well-aware of how systems (families, corporations, religion, patriarchy, capitalism) impact individuals, and how individuals can change themselves, their roles, and their behaviors within those systems. And my educational background in psychology - how our brains and bodies respond to life - is applicable to anyone and any situation.

If you hear me talking, you’ll notice I’ve magically learned how to make my southern accent disappear. But get me around my family and it comes pouring right out. I might not SOUND very Southern, but I don’t think I’ll ever give up using “ya’ll.”



The Professional Details.


The More Important Details.

  • I believe in science and factual information.

  • I believe Black lives matter.

  • I believe no person is illegal.

  • I believe adults can love who they want.

  • I believe in life beyond a gender binary.

  • I believe diversity is an asset.

  • I believe climate change is real.

  • I believe womxn’s rights are human rights.

  • I believe all bodies are valuable bodies.

The Fun Details.

  • Horse-riding beginner. Began at 33, and still trying not to fall off.

  • Lover of Japan. Lived there for two years.

  • Mother of two kick-ass, neurodivergent children.

  • ENFP, Enneagram 4, with an ADHD brain.

  • Optimistic nihilist.

  • That person who refuses to make multiple trips to the car and tries to carry all the grocery bags at once.

  • A miserable person to be around if I haven’t had my morning coffee.

  • Cis. Queer. Rebel. Feminist. Dissenter.